Synfig Developer Preview

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 by darco
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Ok everyone, the day has come. It's time to release the Synfig source code to the world.

A Developer Preview

I am releasing the source code and some binaries for the purpose of trying to find some other individuals interested in helping me push the project forward. Don't expect to be able to do amazing things with this software just yet. It needs some work. If you are interested in helping out, let me know!

Where is the developer website?

It's not quite ready yet. When it is, you'll be able to find it at If you go there now, you'll find my promotional site for Synfig. EDITORS NOTE: You probably want to go to instead.


This program needs a lot of work in the user-friendlieness department. Thus, reading the tutorial is mandatory! You can find the first tutorial here.

Win32 Binaries

To install the Windows version of Synfig, download and install the following packages in order:

EDITORS NOTE: These notes are really old. You probably want to go to instead.


Synfig Core requires the following libraries to build:

  • Libsigc++ 2.0
  • Libxml++ 1.0 (although 2.x may work)

Synfig Studio requires the following libraries to build:

  • Gtkmm 2.4


If you are feeling adventurous, you can try building Synfig from the source tarballs. At the moment, there are three tarballs I am releasing today:

  • ETL
    Extended Template Library. This is a bunch of template classes that Synfig relies on. I plan on later integrating it directly into Synfig Core.
  • Synfig Core
    Contains the core libraries and a command line rendering utility called Synfig Tool.
  • Synfig Studio
    The GUI front-end of Synfig.

Having build issues? Go here.


If you would like to report a bug, join the mailing list, make a feature request, or whatever, then check out the Synfig SourceForge Project Page.

The Synfig API Reference is available online for your convenience.


All of the code released today is released under the GNU GPL. Ignore the alpha license included in the binaries. I'll change it out soon.


Special thanks goes to:

  • Adrian Bentley (Engineer) - My business partner and good friend. Has made significant contributions to the codebase.
  • Rabecha Lenhart (Animator) - Ninja Artist.
  • William Short (Animator) - Too bad everyone thinks he's Mexican.
  • Darrin Michelson (Graphic Designer) - Everyone's favorite Jew.


Whew... Well, there you go. Three years of my life. Rip it apart, people.